About Learning to Walk in Stilettos

Learning to Walk in Stilettos was launched in 2008 when a high school classmate invited me to join a blog challenge group.  This blog became an outlet for me while living overseas with my husband who was in the military.  It became a way for me to share my experiences from life overseas with friends and family back home in the US.  This blog enabled me to make friends with people all over the world.  Many of those friendships still exist today.

When I moved back to the US I started working full time again, my husband and I adopted a baby and, well life just simply got in the way. I recently responded to a Facebook post from one of the blog challenge members expressing interest in another blogging challenge.  It really got me thinking about my blog and how much I have missed this outlet.

I have decided to relaunch Learning to Walk in Stilettos with the hopes of reinventing myself.  I want to become a better writer, possibly find some freelance opportunities, but most off all share my life experiences with anyone who stumbles across this blog.

I am a Registered Dietitian, mom to a son with ADHD, the wife of a retired United States Marine and I am Learning to Walk in Stilettos.

Sunkissed Wellness

Because wellness isn't a destination it's a journey.

Life On The B Side

Taking all that life throws at us one moment at a time

Alaska Exploring Studies

While also exploring faith, family, and fitness as Maria enjoys her coffee...

Mommy Usage

"She Believed She Could So She Did"

Oh God, My Wife Is German.

The Misadventures of an American Expat and His Wife in Germany

Really?? Yes. Really.

You may ask yourself, where does that highway lead to...?

Flying Ready

An American expat moves to the south of France.

Wineymomma and the monsters

Momma's journal of all things monster


A mom blogging about her life taking care of her T1D son, knitting, and other random things!

Learning to Walk in Stilettos

It is what it is...dysfunction at its finest.

Thirty Voices

Voices from women in their thirties from around the world!

Knitting bag

Just another WordPress.com weblog


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